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Avocado Value Chain

Table of Contents


Product description
Avocados are stone fruits. They belong to the laurel family (Lauraceae) and are cultivated in tropical countries. They grow on 8 – 10 m high trees with evergreen, laurel-like leaves. Depending on the variety, the elongated, pear-shaped fruits have a thin, thick, smooth or rough skin, which may be green or brownish-red to black and encloses the whitish to green flesh. Their flavour is sweetish to nutty. The light-brown stone is as large as a walnut. It constitutes approx. 20% of the total fruit and is inedible. Avocados have a relatively high nutritional value. Of particular note is the high vitamin content (C, B1and B2) and carotene content (provitamin A).
The fruits weigh approx. 400 g and reach a size of approximately 10 cm.
Oil content: the fruit flesh contains 15 – 30% oil, “avocado oil”, which is similar to olive oil and lends the pulp its buttery consistency.

Avocados do not become soft and ripe enough to eat on the tree, so they are picked at the pre-climacteric stage while firm.

Avocados picked too early do not ripen properly and become wrinkly. During ripening, the water content falls and the fat content rises. The best criterion for judging ripeness is the ratio of fat content to dry solids, for example the Californian pulp value amounts to 8% fat and 17% dry solids [5].

The following varieties make up the majority of exports:

  • “Fuerte”
  • “Hass”
  • “Ettinger”
  • “Nabal”
  • “Zutano”




When to harvest

Mature fruit do not ripen and soften on the tree. You must learn to judge when hard, green fruit is mature and ready for harvest. If an immature avocado is picked, it will not ripen to an acceptable eating quality and will often shrivel and develop fruit rot. Mature avocados can be recognised by the dull appearance of the skin, or shrivelling and yellowing of the fruit stalk.

When mature fruit is cut open and the seed is removed, the seed coat is dark brown and dry, and does not adhere to the flesh. Large fruit on the northern and eastern side of the tree, and fruit at the top and outside of the canopy, usually mature first.

Hass fruit must contain at least 23% dry matter and Shepard fruit must contain 21% dry matter for marketing in most Australian states. However, fruit will be more palatable and have better flavour if allowed to reach dry matter levels 3% to 5% higher than the 21% level. The standard also requires that fruit must ripen without shrivelling and decay. Check the maturity of the crop before harvesting by doing a ripening test and a dry matter test.

Avocados are picked by hand using ladders, picking poles and, where slopes permit, hydraulic picking platforms or cherry pickers. It is important to make sure pickers have sufficient knowledge of what is required. Some key pieces of knowledge are:

  • Avoid picking during wet weather as fruit are more susceptible to skin damage and fungal infection.
  • Avoid picking during extremely hot weather (above 30°C) if fruit are to be cool stored for more than two weeks as fruit are more susceptible to breakdown.

Cut the fruit from the tree using avocado snips, secateurs or shears, leaving 3 to 4 mm of stalk intact (for all varieties other than Hass).

Pick in several lots if the fruit is not a uniform size. Remove large fruit first, allowing remaining small fruit to increase in size. Harvest at least 50% of fruit within one to two months of it reaching maturity. This is important where trees set heavy crops because trees may be pushed into an alternate-bearing pattern.

Keep harvested fruit under shade.




Although trees may start to bear fruit in the second year, commercial quantities are generally not harvested until the third year. Yields are extremely variable across farms and districts, and will depend on:

  • variety
  • season
  • level of management.

Biennial yielding, where alternating high yields one year followed by low yields the next, is another major factor grower have to manage.

It is important to realise that the average yield across all Australian orchards is a low 9 tonnes per hectare. This reflects the variable genetic performance of seedling rootstocks and difficulties in properly managing the devastating Phytophthora root rot disease. On the other hand, very good growers using elite and uniform rootstocks and a high level of root rot management may achieve average yields of over 20 tonnes per hectare. For a new grower, achievable yields are somewhere between these extremes. Table 1 below provides an indication of achievable yields for one of the common tree spacing.

Table 1. Achievable yields per tree (kg) and per hectare (t) for a new orchard under good management (based on a spacing of 8 m by 4 m or 312 trees/ha)
Year 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Yield/tree (kg) 12 26 38 45 51 45 51 45
Yield/hectare (t) 4 8 12 14 16 14 16 14

Note: once trees form a hedgerow, a biennial bearing pattern with an ‘on-year’ and ‘off-year’ is generally established.




Fruit picked too early shrivels and lacks quality. The time of harvest depends upon the variety.


Variety Season Color
 Anaheim  June – September  Green
 Bacon  November – March  Green
 Bonita  September – November  Green
 Corona  June – August  Green
 Daily  September – November  Green
 Duke  September – November  Green
 Dickinson  May – October  Dark purple
 Edranol  April – July  Green
 Fuerte  November – June  Green
 Hass  April – October  Black
 Hellen  June – September  Green
 Jim  October – January  Green
 Mac Arthur  July – October  Green
 Mesa  May – July  Green
 Nabal  June – September  Green
 Pinkerton  December – April  Green
 Reed  July – October  Green
 Rincon  April – June  Green
 Ryan  May – June  Green
 Santana  September – February  Green
 Zutano  October – March  Green


Note: The seasons indicated in the table are the approximate months of maturity. Seasonal, climatic effects and the district in which the tree is growing result in variation. Varieties not listed and seedlings vary greatly not only in fruitfulness, quality, and type but time of maturity as well.

Different varieties of avocados mature throughout the year, but each variety matures at approximately the same time of each year. Climatic factors may cause variations of 1 to 3 weeks. This characteristic has the advantage of holding the crop on the tree and making the time of harvest less critical. The storage life of fruit on the tree will vary from 2 months for Bacon to 8 months for Hass. Several pickings should be made to cover the range in fruit maturity. Avoid harvesting during wet weather as fruit are more susceptible to skin damage and fungal diseases.

Fruit of all cultivars must reach a minimum of 21% dry matter and ripen naturally without shrivelling before it can be harvested legally and sold. Fruit set can occur over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. Mature fruit has the following characteristics.

  • fruit stem becomes more yellow
  • when the fruit is cut and the seed is removed, the seed coat is dry and does not stick to the flesh, it is a dark brown colour
  • dark-skin varieties will show a change from green to purple

It also helps to know the usual time of maturity for the variety by taking a fruit sample and let it ripen indoors. If the fruit ripens within a reasonable time (7 to 10 days) without wilting, and shows all the desirable characteristics of the variety then start harvesting. Fruit is hand-harvested from trees when mature using an array of picking aids. Harvest the largest fruit at the first pick. On the larger orchards, trees are harvested with the aid of hydraulic ladders (cherry pickers) while on the smaller properties picking poles are used to reach fruit. For most cultivars, fruit needs to be clipped with a ‘button’ leaving a short 3mm corky stem attached to the fruit on the pedicle end. This reduces the risk of stem-end rot invading the fruit as it ripens. Don’t drop fruit as bruising will occur? Check fingernail length to avoid puncturing fruit. Fruit is picked into large bins usually mounted on trailers to facilitate their movement to the packing shed. It is important to keep the fruit out of direct sunlight after picking to prevent it from heating. Place harvested fruits in the shade.


Practically ‘Hass’ fruits are snapped from the tree ensuring that the flesh is not torn around the stem as a tear provides a site for infection. This is a much quicker practice provided fruits are treated within 24 hours with fungicide to prevent fungal infection.


Commercial standards require fruit to reach 8% oil content before harvesting. Mexican types ripen in 6 – 8 months from bloom while Guatemalan types usually take 12 – 18 months. Fruits may continue enlarging on the tree even after maturity. Purple cultivars should be permitted to color fully before harvest. Guatemalan types can be stored firm, at 4.5 – 10° C. for up to six weeks. Mexican types discolor quickly and require immediate consumption.


Here is the minimum percent dry matter standard that various avocado varieties must reach before they can be commercially harvested and sold to the public.

Dry Matter % Varieties
 17.7  Bacon
 19.0  Furete
 18.7  Zutano
 21.6  Pinkerton
 20.8  Hass
 19.3  Jim
 18.4  Susan
 20.4  Rincon
 24.2  Gwen
 18.7  Reed
 18.7 Clifton, Covacado, Duke,Henry, Select, Jalna, Leucadia, Santana, Teague, 287, other fall/winter varieties.
 20.8  Anaheim, Benik, Bonita, Carlsbad, Dickinson, Edranol, Elsie, Ryan, Itzamna, MacArthur, Nabal, Queen, Thille, other spring/summer varieties.


Harvesting method

Fruit should be harvested from the tree by a quick twist of the pedicel which will detach the mature fruits. The pedicel should then be clipped to prevent damage to other fruits.

Do not knock fruits off the tree. This will cause bruising and bursting of the fruit. Therefore, fruits should be picked by using a pole or by hand.

The picking pole can be made of bamboo or some light wood provided with a cloth or crocus bag and a notch with an inner sharpened edge at the end. The bag is used to hold the fruit until the pick is brought to the ground and the fruit removed. Depending on the size of the bag, a maximum of three (3) limbs can be picked. Hand-pickers standing on a ladder can also be used to harvest tall trees.

On a large farm, a platform mechanized system, elevating hand-pickers into the trees provide an efficient mode of harvesting.

Nutritional composition (1 fruit, size 76.2 mm in diameter)

  • Water -284 grams (74%)
  • Food Energy -370 Cal.
  • Protein -5 grams
  • Fat -37* grams
  • Saturated fat – 7 grams
  • Oleic acid -17 grams
  • Linoleic acid -5 grams
  • Carbohydrate -13 grams
  • Calcium-22 mg
  • Iron-1.3 mg
  • Vitamin-630 IU
  • Riboflavin-0.43 mg
  • Niacin-3.5 mg
  • Ascorbic acid-30 mg

The avocado fruit is therefore a fat storing structure.


Quality requirements for export

Minimum requirements

  • The fruits must be clean, i.e. free from adhering soil and insects
  • Mature, i.e. not ripe or soft, but at the stage which will allow the fruits to ripen normally and arrive at the market with the desired degree of ripeness.
  • They must be of similar varietal characteristics, i.e. all fruits in any one lot must be of the same variety, must be similar in shape, texture, and skin colour.
  • Must be well trimmed, i.e. the stem (pedicel) is cut off fairly smooth with not more than 6.4 mm beyond the shoulder of the fruit.


Grade requirement

Grade 1

Fruits should be well coloured, i.e. the colour characteristic of the variety.

Well formed, i.e. the fruit has the shape characteristic of the variety.

Free from damage, i.e. any defects that seriously affect the appearance, edibility, or shipping quality of the fruits; or the general appearance of

the avocadoes in the container, e.g. sunburn, scars, or bruises.


Size classification

Fruits should be classified by size according to the following definitions:

Uniformed in appearance, I.e. not more than 10% of packages shall contain fruits which show sufficient variation in size to detract from the appearance of the individual packages. The variation from the average length should not be greater than 3 mm.


Delivery to the packing shed

Transport picking containers carefully to the packing shed because the skin of freshly picked fruit is susceptible to impact and vibration damage. Damage to the ‘pimples’ (or nodules) on the skin can result in an unsightly spotted appearance.

Cover loads to:

  • minimise heating of fruit
  • prevent sunburn
  • stop dust from entering the picking containers.
  • Avoid excessive delays between picking and delivery to the packing shed.








The maximum delivery time recommended varies with the length of the marketing period and the fruit temperature (Table 1).

Table 1. Maximum time between picking and delivery to packing shed
Marketing period (picking to retail shelf) Max. delivery time to packing shed (fruit temp. under 30oC) Max. delivery time to packing shed (fruit temp. over 30oC)
Less than two weeks 36 hours 12 hours
Two to three weeks 12 hours 6 hours
More than three weeks 3 hours Do not pick


Handling in the packing shed

On arrival at the packing shed, place field containers (crates or bins) undercover to prevent sunburn of the fruit and build-up of field heat. An assessment of fruit quality on arrival will alert the grading staff to any likely defects. Early picked fruit may require testing for maturity before being cleared for packing. The quality and maturity assessments can be recorded on a receiver assessment sheet along with the number of field containers received. Cooling before packing may be necessary if delays are excessive. Tip field containers carefully onto the packing line.

Avoid drop heights greater than 20 cm. The flesh of freshly picked fruit is particularly susceptible to impact and vibration damage, and may shatter internally if dropped from greater heights. ‘Pimples’ or nodules on the skin can be damaged from abrasion or impact caused by poor handling.


Post-harvest chemical treatment

For control of anthracnose and stem-end rot diseases, treat fruit within 24 hours of harvest with the chemical prochloraz. Apply it as a non-recirculated spray over fruit on rollers or brushes. Follow label directions. The volume of spray applied must be sufficient to thoroughly wet the fruit (at least 15 seconds under the spray). If exporting the fruit, check that the importing country approves of the prochloraz treatment.

It is important to note that post-harvest treatment is not a substitute for field spraying – both are necessary to achieve high quality fruit. The performance of the prochloraz treatment is affected by:

  • the level of anthracnose infection of the fruit at harvest
  • the type, length and temperature of storage and ripening to follow
  • the susceptibility of the fruit to disease development (for example, Hass on Duke 6 rootstock and Hass fruit with low calcium concentrations are more susceptible to anthracnose development with the result that the post-harvest treatment may not work).

Depending on its final destination, fruit from some areas of eastern Australia may need to be treated under an Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) arrangement before being shipped interstate. This is to prevent the spread of fruit fly. Fruit in Western Australia must be maintained in an approved secure manner to exclude Mediterranean fruit fly before entry into other Australian states.

Record the details of post-harvest treatments on a post-harvest chemical treatment record. The record provides evidence that the treatment has been applied correctly and complies with food safety regulations.


Drying and polishing

Dry the fruit before grading and packing by blowing air over it on rollers or brushes or by passing the fruit through a heated drying tunnel. Check the operation of the drying tunnel to reduce the risk of any heat damage.

Fruit may be polished with brushes to improve presentation or to remove visible spray residues. Do not brush fruit for longer than one minute. Excessive brushing can cause abrasion injury, especially on Hass, resulting in an unsightly spotted appearance. Ensure brushes are of a suitable type for avocados and replace worn brushes as required.




Avocados are hand-graded for quality as fruit passes over rollers. All Australian markets expect fruit in a tray or box to be of one variety, sound (no broken skins from cuts or insect stings), clean, well formed, mature (at least 21% dry matter for Shepard and 23% for Hass) but not over-mature, and of uniform size. Reject fruit not reaching this minimum standard.

Avocados are typically sorted into two quality grades. The quality standard for each grade depends on customer requirements. To establish quality standards for each grade, the maximum acceptable level (allowance) of various defects on individual fruit must be defined. The tolerances for out of grade fruit in packages must also be determined.

Fruit is graded for size using different types of measuring equipment by:

  • diameter (expanding rollers or belts)
  • weight (mechanical or computer)
  • volume (optical).

The equipment is adjusted to achieve the range of sizes required for packing. The size classes are known as ‘counts’ are established on the basis of how many fruit of a particular size will fit into the standard package. The difference between the smallest and largest fruit in a pack should not exceed 5 mm in diameter. Size classes or ‘counts’ range from 12 to 28. Fruit smaller than count 28 is placed into bulk packages and net weight is used to indicate the amount of fruit in the package.


The standard package used for domestic and export marketing is a single layer tray holding a minimum of 5.8 kg of fruit. Inserts with moulded cups are used to aid packing. The inserts are available in a range of counts from 12 to 28 fruit per tray.

Each fruit is placed into a cup with stem-end up and locked against surrounding fruit. The smaller the fruit, the more vertically it is packed. Tight packs are essential to prevent fruit movement and rub damage during transport. Avoid over-packing to prevent pressure damage, particularly when fruit is ripening in the package.

Fruit smaller than count 28 and second grade fruit are often packed into bulk packs that typically hold 10 kg of fruit. The bulk packs are volume filled and may contain fruit of even or mixed sizes.

For first grade fruit, small stickers are usually placed on each fruit. The stickers are used to enhance eye appeal and provide brand, region or variety identification. All major retail chains require PLU (price look up) numbers to be placed on the fruit stickers.

A trade description must be printed or stamped on at least one end of the package. The information must be prominent and indelible, with letters at least 5 mm high. The trade description must include:

  • the brand name
  • the name and address of the packer
  • the word ‘avocado’
  • the variety
  • the grade or class
  • a statement of contents (count or net weight).

We recommend that product identification codes, such as grower number, block number, quality assurance codes, ICA codes and packing dates, are stamped on each package to enable trace back of product if there are problems during marketing.




A pre-cooling operation is generally carried out after packaging. Pre-cooling is of prime importance for the shelf life of avocado; it diminishes or slows the metabolic rate, ethylene synthesis and its action on the fruit, loss of texture, fungal infections, fruit ripening, and conditions the fruit for preservation at low-temperatures. Ideally, there should not be more than six hours from harvest to pre-cooling, and when this is not possible, the harvested fruit should not be allowed to reach an internal temperature higher than 26°C in the field and during its transportation to the packinghouse.

The quantity of the field heat is usually large, and cannot be eliminated fast enough in a regular refrigeration room. The freeze-blast method is the best suited for avocado pre-cooling. It is carried out until the temperature in the fruit reaches 6-7°C for “Fuerte” and “Hass”. The time that is required to achieve these temperatures varies according to the initial temperature of the fruit, temperature and velocity of the air, and the final temperature of the fruit.

However, it is important to end the pre-cooling process when the temperature of the fruit is 2°C above the ideal storage temperature. It is also of prime importance to assure that the storage temperature will not be lower than that established for the fruit, otherwise chilling injury can occur. The pre-cooling process lasts from 8 to 12 hours, with a relative humidity of 90 to 95% (Yahia, 2001).



Temperature control during the post-harvest stage is the most important factor that helps maintain the quality and increase the shelf life of many fruits. Refrigeration is also useful to control illness and pests. Generally, the shelf life of avocado is inversely proportional to its respiration velocity. It is of prime importance to avoid temperature fluctuations during transportation, because this can cause chilling injury, ripening, irregular softening, and rot (Yahia, 2001).


Storage of avocado

When avocado reaches the packinghouse, fruits of different batches are separated. The origin of the fruit, supplier, date, etc., should be registered. Before processing of the fruit, the lot shall be sampled in order to detect quarantine pests and diseases, and determine the general appearance of the fruit and its quality (stains, discolorations, injuries, mechanical damage, etc). At the same time, the characteristics of the particular variety are verified (Sánchez-Pérez, 2001). The response of avocado to storage temperatures (Yahia, 2001) varies according to temperature ranges, as follows:

  • 10 to 25°C: the fruit softens faster as storage temperature increases.
  • 5 to 8°C: softening is controlled, and it will only occur if the fruit is transferred to higher temperatures.
  • 0 to 4°C, softening at these temperatures is limited by time, due to the risk of chilling injury.

However, recommended storage conditions may vary according to the avocado variety (as shown in the table below)

Physiological disorders decrease when temperatures are kept at 7.5<°C at the beginning of storage, and then are lowered to 3.5°C, instead of maintaining 5.5°C the whole time.



Variety %O2 %CO2 Temperature °C Remarks
 Hass  2-10  4-10  7  Storage time of 7-9 weeks
 Lula, Booth 8, Fuchs  2  10  7.5  Increase shelf life twofold
 Fuerte, Edranol, Hass  2  10  —  Reduces internal disorders
 Non-specific  –  25  —  Reduces disorders and increases anthracnose
 Fuerte  —  25  —  Delays maturation
 Fuerte  2  10  5.5  Less dark spots in the pulp
 Fuerte  —  25  5.5  Less dark spots in the pulp
 Fuerte  3  0  24 h at 17°C  After this treatment, fruit can be stored at 2°C for 3 weeks
 Booth 8, Lula  2  10  4-7  Storage time of 8 weeks
 Fuerte, Anaheim  6  10  7  Storage time of 38 days
 Waldin, Fuchs  2  10  7  Storage of 4 weeks, prevents  anthracnose and chilling injury
 Hass  2  5  — Storage time of 60 days


Types of packaging

Fruit is then size and quality graded, packed into (trays and boxes as determined by the importing countries) and pre-cooled prior to transportation. The packaging material varies according to the market, being cardboard, plastic, or wood. The most common containers are single wall corrugated fibre board or wooden boxes.

The first ones usually have a capacity of 4 kg with one level of fruit, while the second ones contain 10 kg, and the fruit is placed in bulk. The wooden box has a lower demand than the fibre board box. Cardboard boxes have different perforation designs, and resistance to compression: from 269.1 to 1345.5 kg/m2, approximately (López-López, L. and Cajuste-Bontemps, J.F., 1999). Most fruit is shipped in refrigerated trucks by road to markets in major cities.

In Australia, for some interstate markets an Interstate Certification Agreement (ICA) is necessary; this requires an insecticide treatment. Many grading machines have a heated drying tunnel before the fruit is polished with brushes. Brushing removes visible spray residue and shines the fruit. Avocados are usually sorted into two quality grades and a processing line. Size counts range from 12 to 28 fruit per tray. Smaller fruit are bulk packed into 10kg cartons. Plastic inserts with moulded cups are placed in the tray. Single layer trays weigh around 6kg. Fruit are stamped with small stickers. These have brand names, variety identification and, for supermarkets, PLU (Price Look Up) numbers. A trade description must appear on one end of the package in letters 5mm high. It includes the name and address of the packer, the word ‘avocado’, variety, grade, count and or weight. It may also include a brand name, grower number,ICAand QA (Quality Assurance) particulars and date of packing. Packaging specifications for other countries are as the followings:



Storage and transportation

‘Hass’ fruit are stored at 4 to 5 °C and other varieties at 6 to 8 °C. Refrigerated transport is used from most growing areas. Controlled ripening of avocados using ethylene gas is usually done by the market agents.



Market research has shown that more avocados are sold if they are offered to the consumer in a ready-to-eat condition. This has led to a system of pre-ripening fruit prior to stocking retailer shelves. Fruit is gassed with ethylene at a central location and held at 21°C until it ripens, then taken to the retail point of sale.


Processed products:

Avocado is also used for the confection of baked products (such as cakes), to elaborate fine soup mixes, appetizers, and in the production of cosmetics (oils, skin lotions, soaps, shampoos, etc.) due to its oil content. Avocado oil is appreciated because it contains biodegradable and easy to absorb sterol. The oil is sent to the United States, where it is refined and then sent to Japan and Europeans edible oil and cosmetic ingredient. Besides being an important cosmetic ingredient, the pharmaceutical industry considers the unsaponifiable fraction of the oil as a valuable raw material. From this fraction, the factor H is extracted, which is used in the pet food and cooking oil industries (SAGAR, 1999).

Types of products:

Frozen avocado – Original Chunky Avocado Pulp in 1, 2,& 6 lb. plastic pouches.

Avocado sauce- 100% Hass Avocado with minced onions and spices.


Southwestern guacamole – Feisty blend of chunky avocado, red bell pepper, onion, jalapeños and spices


Non-refined avocado oil – oil is extracted from selected Hass avocados by mechanical processes


Processing techniques

Avocado can be processed into avocado salsa, guacamole blend, avocado pulp, spicy guacamole, and avocado drinks.


Upon receiving the fruit, it is washed in a machine with rotating brushes and chlorinated water (200 ppm). Then its temperature is homogenized to 5°C to allow an even ripening. Avocados are stored for 3 days at 20°C at a relative humidity over 85%, adding 10 ppm of ethylene. Afterwards, the temperature is lowered again to 5°C and the fruit is kept at that point until processing (3 to 4 days). Since many clients prefer a chunky texture, the fruit must be ripe and firm.


Processing begins with a selection step, where the unsuitable fruit is discarded, the peduncle is removed, and the fruit is submerged in chlorinated water (200 ppm) for 10 min. Then it is cut, de-seeded, peeled and put into a mixer with other ingredients, such as onion, chili pepper, fruit concentrate, erythorbic acid (to promote color retention), and ascorbic acid. The resulting product is vacuum-packed and sealed into co-extruded five-layer bags, with a high barrier to oxygen. They usually pack in 6 pound bags, because most of their customers are restaurants, but they also have a 250 g package for retail marketing. The bags are frozen in a blast-freezer at -30<°C, and afterwards the bags are stored at -18°C).


Exporters of Avocado from Nigeria

Select Company Country
[ change ]
Date Added
Jehovah-rabor Agrotech. Co. Ltd. (Exporter)

Fruits : avocado, Mangoes, Oranges.
Pulses & Lentils : Cowpeas.
Agricultural Products : Millets.
Coconut, Sesame Seed, Soya Milk.

Nigeria 04-Sep-2017
Jamies Vegetables Nig Limited (Exporter)

Fresh Vegetables & Fruits : Onions, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Carrot, Pineapple, avocado, Pear, Cabbage, Beetroot, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Okra, Corn, Watermelon etc.
Yam, Cassava, Paw Paw, Celery, Palm Seed/oil, Coconut, Fresh Garlic, Gingers, Cocoa.

Nigeria 12-Jul-2017
Oguntodu Michael Corporate Services Limited (Exporter)

Fruits : avocados.
Dry Fruits : Cashew Nuts.

Nigeria 30-Jan-2017
Starcraft Industries Limited (Exporter)

Dry Fruits : Cashew Nuts.
Spices : Red / Green Chili Pepper ( Fresh / Dried ), Dried Powder Black Pepper.
Vegetables & Fruits : Okra, Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, Pineapples, avocado, Ripe Plantain.
Pulses & lentils : Beans, Green Sword Beans, Kidney Beans.
Agricultural Products, Sliced Dried Ginger, Fresh And Dried Garlic, Garlic Powder, Sesame Seeds, Sorghum, Red African Fresh Onion, Onion Powder, Yam, Yam Flour, Fresh Green and Cassava Flour.

Nigeria 30-Aug-2016
Enbriden Nigeria Ltd. (Exporter)

Dry / Dried Fruits : Cashew Nuts, Dates.
Spices : Chili Pepper.
Pulses / Lentils : Cowpeas, Beans.
Edible Oil : Palm Oil.
Fruits & Vegetables : Carrots, Tamarind Fruit, avocados, Mangoes.
Flowers : Dried Hibiscus.
Sesame Seeds, Ginger, Garlic, Onions, Peanut, Kolanut, Gum Arabic, Roselle Leaves or Cow Horns and Hooves, Cotton Seeds, Goat Raw Leather, Cocoa, Tiger Nuts, Cassava, Millets, Sorghum, Yam, Shea Butter Seed, Jathropha Seed, Honey, Bitter Kola, Snails, Flour, Wood Products, Moringa Seeds ( Moringa, Drumstick Tree, Horseradish Tree, Benoil Tree, Benzoil Tree, Cassia Plant and Seedling ( Senna Tora ).

Nigeria 05-May-2016
Fine Living BPL (Exporter & Importer)

Building Materials : Cement.
Fruits : Mangoes, avocados.
Edible Oils : Palm Oil.
Spices : Pepper Dry.
Palm Kernel & Palm Kernel Oil, Clay, Sharp Sand, Cotton, Shoes.

Nigeria 14-Jul-2015
Cookey Venture Global Services (Exporter & Importer)

Timber : Kosso Wood.
Fruits : avocados.
Vegetables : Drumstick.
Raw Cashew Nuts, Sesame Seeds, Peanut, Groundnuts, Moringa Seeds, Moringa Leaf, Fresh Hibiscus Flowers, Dry Ginger, Cocoa Beans, Cassava Chips, Hardwood Charcoal.

Nigeria 30-Jun-2015
Veggie-Groce Ltd. (Exporter & Importer)

Dry & Dried Fruits : Cashew Nuts, Dates.
Fruits : avocados.
Ginger, Cocoa Bean, Sesame Seeds, Grains, Nuts, PKS, PKC, PKO, Palm Oil, Shea Butter, Charcoal, Wood Waste, Cassava Chips & Farm Products.

Nigeria 22-Nov-2012
Nalmro Limited (Exporter)

Dry Fruits : Cashew Nuts.
Fruits : avocado, Pear.
Cassava, Charcoal, Precious Gemstone.

Nigeria 30-Jun-2010
Valla Andre Equity Limited (Exporter & Importer)

Fruits & Vegetables : avocados, Drumstick.
Timber : Kosso Wood.
Raw Cashew Nuts, Sesame Seeds, Peanut / Groundnuts, Moringa Seeds, Moringa Leaf, Hibiscus Fresh Flowers, Dry Ginger, Cocoa Beans, Cassava Chips, Hardwood Charcoal.

Nigeria 17-Jun-2009


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